The PalioApp is back for the Palio of July 2, 2024

After the first positive test during the 2023 Palios, the PalioApp is available again for the Palio of July 2, 2024.

The site from which to download it for free has remained the same: There have been made no graphic changes.

The app was developed with great love and respect for the Palio and was officially approved by Consortium for the Protection of the Palio di Siena on 2 May 2023.

It will consist of 10 pages:

  • Horses Admitted to the Protocol (all horses, each with info-card indicating age, coat, owner, number of raced Palio’s and victories);
  • Horses Admitted to Pre-visits (the list is already updated)
  • Horses Admitted to the morning training trials (the list will be updated as soon as registrations will be known)
  • Horses Admitted to the Tratta (this will also be updated as soon as it is made known).
  • Assignment of numbers on the “Presentazione dei cavalli” page
  • Batterie, selection heats (with the possibility of noting the placings)
  • On the Assegnazione-page it will also be possible to indicate the order in which each individual horse will be combined with the respective Contrada.
  • Once this is done, the Prove-page will complete automatically, with all the correct orders entrance to the canape.
  • The user can also formate the horse/jockey pairs for each Contrada.
  • On the ‘ingresso al canape’ page the user will be able to note the order of entry to the canape on 2 July.

In practice you will be able to do everything that is usually done with pen and paper, but with greater detail and with more information.

The evening before the tratta, the list, which currently consists of all the horses admitted to the pre-visits, will be restricted to horses admitted to the Route. At that point any entries made by the user for testing purposes will be reset, so you can start your day with a blank app. On that way it will be possible to carry out test in advance.

The app is available on and can be installed on both iOS and Android. This site explains how to install the app (with video) and how to use it.